August 24, 2023
Charlotte’s Teaching Fellows Institute’s purpose is to engage, honor, and inspire the Charlotte area’s teachers to promote the engaged retention of these outstanding educators in the profession. On this episode of Do Good Charlotte, Host Pamela Escobar is joined by Barbara Caldwell, the Executive Director, and Robin Nelson, a TFI fellow.
Being a teacher is hard work. For those new to the profession, it can be difficult to navigate the school system and feel extremely overwhelming. Nowadays, it is quite common for teachers to change professions 3-5 years out. Robin Nelson, a TFI alumna shares how she was starting to lose sight of her mission within 4 years of teaching. She felt alone and under appreciated. That is until she joined TFI.
“TFI brings me back home, brings me back to my why.” – Robin Nelson
The Teaching Fellows Institute helps retain teachers in the Charlotte school system in two significant ways:
- By getting teachers connected both professionally and personally. Each TFI class is like a family. They can collaborate and rely on one another. Robin was a part of the 2011 class and is still great friends with her classmates.
- They provide their fellows with various professional development opportunities throughout the year. While attending these events is reserved for fellows only, teachers across the country can access these sessions via their youtube.
If you or someone you know is interested in joining the next class of TFI, learn more about the process here or by contacting director@teachingfellowsinstitute.org.
Not a teacher, but still want to support? Visit TFI’s SHARE Charlotte profile here to advance the mission of teachers in Charlotte.
Listen to the Do Good Charlotte Teaching Fellows Institute Podcast Today!
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